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Tropical Temptation Page 8

  “Do you think you can climb down on your own? If not, I have rope that we can use.”

  She nodded. “I think I’ll be okay doing it myself.”

  “Let’s attach the rope, just to be safe.”

  He tied one end around her midsection, and the other around himself, leaving plenty of slack for them to maneuver. After he was satisfied the knots were secure, they carefully picked their way down the tree. On the last branch, Duran called up to her.

  “Jump, Adrianna. I’m right here to catch you.”

  “Are you sure?” she asked. Even though Duran was over seven feet tall, he was still a few feet down.

  “Absolutely,” he replied.

  His confidence gave her courage. She untied the rope from her waist, then Saric watched her free fall only for a moment before his mate’s strong arms wrapped around her and secured her against his chest. He held onto her tightly, embracing her for a long moment while Saric climbed the rest of the way down. Adi held onto Duran with her arms around his neck, her feet still off the ground.

  “I’m incredibly glad you’re alright,” Duran told her softly.

  “Me too. Thank you for coming to my rescue.”

  Saric smiled at the pair. The sight of Adi and Duran embracing… it stirred something him that he didn’t recognize. It was more than happiness, and was definitely tinged with arousal, but he couldn’t put his finger on it.

  He stepped to their side and laid a palm on each of their heads, connecting them all.

  “We should get you home,” Duran told her. Adi didn’t loosen her grip on his neck.

  “Not yet,” she murmured.

  Duran smiled, and buried his nose into her wet and tangled hair. Saric’s heart just about leapt out of his chest with joy. He took off his hat, and leaned forward to rest his head against theirs, enjoying the moment and the fact that Adi was safe.

  Duran was the one to pull back and set Adi on her feet. She turned towards Saric, and he couldn’t resist the urge to kiss her upturned face.

  He had a moment of concern—he and Duran had never shared a third before—but a quick check showed that his mate didn’t show any signs of being bothered by the affection he gave Adi. In fact, Duran shifted even closer to them, watching their lips.

  “You good?” he asked his mate when he pulled back. He needed to be positive. Duran nodded.

  “Very good,” he rumbled in reply.

  Adi looked from one to the other, obviously unsure, but then she seemed to come to some kind of decision. She turned to Duran and asked, “May I kiss you?”

  Saric’s breath hitched, while Duran’s eyes went a little wide in surprise. He didn’t reply with words, but gave her a nod of assent, and lowered his head so that their lips could meet.

  Saric was shocked—so pleasantly shocked—at the show of affection. Duran had never been intimate with a female before. Has he even kissed one? Saric wondered. Surely he had at some point, but Saric had never witnessed it. Now that he had, he didn’t think he’d ever get the image out of his mind.

  They were amazing together.

  Duran cradled the side of Adi’s face, and brushed their lips together. Saric knew full well what kissing Duran was like, and knew that if he was into it, the male wouldn’t keep the kiss gentle for long. Like he hoped, Duran soon angled her head and took the kiss deeper. Adi moaned against him, and kissed him back, her hands anchoring to his jacket.

  Saric watched, completely transfixed, until suddenly Duran’s hand shot out and grabbed his coat. A hard yank, and Saric’s body was pressed to their side. Adi startled, pulling back from Duran’s lips to see what had happened. She giggled, then leaned his direction.

  Saric captured her mirth with his mouth, loving the way her lips felt after she’d just had them pressed to Duran’s. He added his tongue, and she abruptly pulled back, sending a nervous glance Duran’s direction. Saric followed her line of sight, but shouldn’t have worried. Duran wasn’t upset that she was kissing his mate. His eyes were blown, breathing rapid, and hands clutching them both.

  Poor Adi didn’t know him well enough yet, and mistook his arousal for anger.

  “Duran, if this isn’t okay, just let us know and we’ll stop,” she assured him. “I never want to do anything with either of you that makes the other one uncomfortable.”

  Duran shook his head, seeming to come back to the moment and focus on what Adi had said.

  “I’m fine, I just…” He trailed off, clearly uncertain about how to explain it to her. Saric took pity on him.

  “Adi, he’s fine. See this…” He kissed Duran’s neck, right over his rapidly-beating pulse. “…and his tense muscles…” He took her hand and ran it up Duran’s chest, urging her to feel the hard muscle underneath the thin t-shirt. “… and finally, this.”

  Saric left her hand on Duran’s chest and trailed his own down Duran’s stomach to where his hard arousal was trapped in the confines of his pants. Adi’s eyes followed his hand, and went wide at seeing Duran’s impressive length outlined in his pants.

  “This is definitive proof that he’s feeling something other than anger or discomfort. Well actually, trapped in his pants like it is, this might prove quite uncomfortable.”

  “Is that just for Saric, or both of us?” she asked, looking up into Duran’s eyes.

  “Definitely both of you,” Duran answered, then brought his mouth to hers again.

  In the corner of Saric’s mind it registered that they were in the middle of the jungle with backup nearing their position, but he couldn’t bring himself to care enough to stop their passionate embrace. At the moment, nothing seemed more important; especially when Adi melted into the kiss, her hands knocking off Duran’s hat, then tunneling through his hair to grip the strands.

  She shifted her body forward, trapping Saric’s right hand between them, still cradling his mate’s cock. Duran arched into his touch, and Saric rewarded him with a caress. Duran hissed and repeated the motion, both of his arms locking around Adrianna, and drawing her more firmly against his body.

  She arched into him, and Saric could see her ample breasts press against Duran’s stomach. Her low tank-top didn’t hide the luscious, tempting swells. He moaned, his mouth watering for a taste.

  Duran’s hands were restless, skimming up and down her body, stopping periodically on her ass to give it a squeeze and bring her onto her tiptoes. She moaned, and began undulating in their embrace, clearly trying to seek relief to her rising arousal.

  Saric exchanged his right hand for his left, still cradling Duran, just from a different angle, and stepped behind Adi to place her back to his front. His right hand followed the line of her body down to her hip and back up while they continued to kiss. The more minutes went by, the more their touches began to devour each other.

  Adi arched back against him, rubbing her ass on his own aroused dick, the space creating an opportunity for him to move his free hand onto her stomach. He cupped the underside of her breast, and she moaned. Boldly, she moved his hand onto the soft mound, while moving Duran’s hand onto the other. Duran moaned, and Saric could feel his mate’s fingers brush against his own as they both played with their female.

  She arched into the touch, her little body moving in the most sensual way. Duran broke from her kiss and trailed his lips along her jaw to her neck, kissing her and inhaling her scent as he went. His shaft was rock-hard in Saric’s hand, and he knew that Duran’s pants must have become uncomfortable.

  “Let me help,” Saric told him, before he boldly undid the fastenings on his pants to free his shaft. Duran didn’t stop him, but inhaled sharply and raised his eyes to his.

  Saric stroked him properly from base to tip, feeling his mate’s lubrication coat his palm.

  Adi was not oblivious to their play. She moaned at the sight, her hands shifting to pull Duran’s shirt higher so that she could get a better look at his cock.

  “Ay, Dios mio,” she exhaled, then looked Duran in the eye. “Can I?” she asked.

>   He nodded, and her hand joined Saric’s in stroking their male.

  “Holy fuck,” Duran cursed, his head falling back.

  It emboldened both of them. They stroked him harder, and he massaged Adi’s breast, focusing on her beaded nipple. Her breath caught, and he repeated the motion. She liked it, and rubbed herself even more on Saric at her back.

  Saric’s hands left both of his partners and came to the waistband of Adi’s shorts. He ran his fingers around the edge, and she sucked in her stomach in invitation.

  “Can I touch you?” Saric asked, just to be sure.

  “Yes,” she moaned.

  He used both hands to undo her button, lowered the zipper, and then his hand was tunneling under her panties. His fingers met curls, which he burrowed through to find her sweet center. His middle finger felt her arousal, and then it was skimming through her folds.

  Adi moaned loudly, shifting her hips impatiently to urge his fingers where she needed them. He knew when he found the right spot.

  “Yes, Saric! Right there,” she encouraged as she widened her stance to give him more room to maneuver. She threw her head back onto his chest exposing her neck, which Duran latched on to with his lips.

  Saric watched as she continued to stroke Duran’s length, and he whispered encouragements against her skin. It was if the two were feeding off of each other’s passion. The more Saric fingered her, the harder she stroked. Duran suddenly warned her that he was close, which increased the slickness coating Saric’s fingers.

  Duran turned his hips away from them as he came, his jets hitting the leaves of a nearby plant. No sooner had he stopped coming than did he fall to his knees and pull one of Adi’s breasts from the confines of her top. She moaned as Duran took her nipple far into his mouth, and rolled it with his tongue.

  She pulled her tank-top down roughly, exposing her other breast herself, and he switched his attention to the other soft mound. A minute later she was warning them that she was about to come. Saric braced her body with his, and just about came himself as she undulated on his fingers, her shouts quieted by Duran taking her mouth in a kiss.

  When she settled, Duran carefully moved her bra and top back into place, but Saric was loath to remove his hand from her warmth. He hesitated, then withdrew his hand, earning him another large shiver from their female. She buttoned up her own shorts, then turned to face Saric.

  “You want some help with that?” she asked, her gaze going down to his groin and back up.

  His dick pulsed, completely onboard with that plan. But before he could answer, she turned to look at Duran over her shoulder.

  “That’s… only if you’re okay with that,” she corrected.

  Duran smiled and kissed her.

  “Absolutely. How about we help him together?”

  Her smile lit the entire jungle. Saric felt the world shift as they both reached for him, undoing his pants, pushing them down, then two hands were on his aching cock. He closed his eyes and just enjoyed. Embarrassingly soon, he lost himself onto the ground at their feet.

  “Someone was excited,” Duran teased. Saric chuckled.

  “Gee, I can’t imagine why.”

  He kissed each of them in turn, and tucked himself (still hard) back into his shorts.

  “As wonderful as this has been, I think we need to head back to the colony,” Saric suggested. “It’s a long walk, and I don’t want to have to spend the night out here in the storm.”

  The other two sighed, knowing that he was right, and they began to get ready. Duran took off his coat and draped it over Adi’s shoulders. She looked up at him in gratitude, and threaded her arms into the sleeves, pulling it tightly around her. She looked so tiny in the oversized garment.

  Saric repacked their bags, while Duran contacted the group on his comm to let them know that they’d found Adrianna. Rex promised to take care of the bastards—correction: bandits—so that the three of them could concentrate on getting back to the colony. They had a long walk ahead of them, and no tech that could make it go quicker—unfortunately.

  “I’m sorry we have to walk the whole way,” Saric told her, as he took her hand and began leading her west by the light of his flashlight.

  “It’s okay,” she reassured them. “I’m just so happy that ordeal is over. I’d walk all night for that.”

  He brought her hand up to his lips and kissed the backs of her cold fingers. Duran joined her on her other side, and took her other hand. Saric couldn’t help the wide grin he sported during the trek back to the colony. He didn’t care about the cold, the rain, his exhaustion… All he cared about were the two people at his side.


  Adrianna wasn’t prepared for the outpouring of concern when she, Duran, and Saric arrived back at the colony. People had gathered to await their return, and wanted to know all about her harrowing ordeal.

  She smiled, thanked everyone, and tried to recount as little as possible. In all honestly, she didn’t want to think about the past several hours… well, the last part had been wonderful, but the rest were straight from a nightmare. All she could think about now was that she was cold, filthy, and completely exhausted.

  “Make way people. Best friend of the kidnapped coming through!” Kaitie called as she squeezed herself through the throng. A path was cleared for her, and then Adi was ensconced in her arms.

  “You scared the ever-loving shit out of me!” Kaitie told her. She held onto Adi for several long seconds before she pulled back and looked her over. “Are you okay? Did they hurt you? If they did, I swear to whatever God that’s listening…”

  “I’m alright,” Adi reassured her. “Saric and Duran took care of them.”

  Kaitie’s eyes went wide and swung to the duo. “You beat the crap out of them?” she asked.

  “Not exactly. But we stunned them,” Saric informed her. Kaitie’s face fell.

  “Just stunned? No broken bones, noses gushing with blood, or them peeing themselves in fear? What kind of scary aliens are you?”

  She said the last part in jest, and Saric smiled at her jab.

  “Obviously we’re not the kind you were hoping for, but if it makes you feel any better, our weapon’s stun setting is quite painful when you’re shot with it.”

  Adi suspected that was a lie, but it apparently placated Kaitie. She seemed happy with the news.

  “Well, at least that’s something.” She turned back to Adi. “Let’s go get you cleaned up and into some dry clothes.”

  Adi vacillated for a moment between her friend and the two males, until Saric intervened.

  “We’ve got her, Kaitie.”

  He took Adi’s hand, and she moved to his side. Kaitie eyed him and their joined fingers.

  “Do you?” she asked dubiously.

  Duran stepped to their side. “We do. We’ll make sure she’s taken care of.”

  From his tone it was obvious that he meant they’d take care of more than just her disheveled appearance. Kaitie crossed her arms and continued to eye them.

  “Easy there, big guy. I was just beginning to like you,” she told Duran. He wasn’t in the mood to play games or argue with her.

  “I’m not interested in being baited, Kaitie. Adrianna needs to get cleaned up and rest; she’s my primary concern at the moment.”

  “Fine.” Kaitie stepped in close to Duran—so close that she had to crane her neck to look him in the eye. “But she’d better remain your primary concern. You feel me?”

  Adi’s eyes went wide in surprise (and more than a little in worry). She wasn’t sure who would win in a match between Kaitie and Duran. Thankfully, Duran nodded and told her, “I understand.”

  “Good. Have fun!” Kaitie stepped back and winked to Adrianna, before turning around to address the assembled crowd.

  “Alright everyone, show’s over. She’s home safe and sound, and now it’s time for you all to find your homes too.” When people loitered, Kaitie hardened her tone. “You heard me: she’s tired. Everyone go to bed.”<
br />
  The gathered crowd dispersed, and the three took the opportunity to escape to the males’ cabin. They were only there long enough to grab shower essentials, then walked to the nearest bathhouse.

  Adi shyly took soap and shampoo from Saric, then slipped into one of the empty stalls. She heard two other showers turn on and assumed that the males were also washing off the jungle they’d brought back with them.

  Adrianna took a moment to luxuriate in the water, letting it warm her cold bones while it washed off the blood, mud, and whatever else she’d been covered with. As she ran the soap over her body, she imagined the other two occupants doing the same. Were they showering together? Did they wash each other? Of course they’d do it slowly, sensually, making sure to get each other clean everywhere. Rubbing the soap over muscles and hard lengths.

  Only when Adi’s core began to throb did she realize what she’d been imagining. She didn’t know how long she’d been fantasizing, so she quickly rinsed and turned off the water. Someone handed her a towel over the top of the curtain, and she dried off before securing her hair atop her head turban-style.

  “I’m passing you dry clothes,” Saric told her before slipping his hand behind the curtain.

  “Thanks,” she called and took the bundle. A giggle escaped when she unfolded the pants and saw how long they were. She tugged on the tshirt, and stepped into the way-too-long-pants before emerging from the stall.

  Saric and Duran were both clean and dressed, their eyes watching her.

  “The pants are a little big,” she told them with a smile, before rolling the waistband a few times, then bending down to roll up the legs.

  “Better than you wearing a pair of Duran’s,” Saric retorted.

  “There’s nothing wrong with my clothes,” Duran commented as he ran a towel through his wet hair.

  “No, but your legs are so long that she could probably wear a pair of your shorts as pants.”

  Duran gave a half smile. “No argument there.”

  Adi loved listening to their banter, but the exhaustion from the day was catching up to her. She yawned broadly, which spurred both males to gather their things and exit the bathhouse.