Tropical Temptation Read online

Page 10

  “Give it to me,” Saric demanded.

  Duran turned his hips towards his mate, who fell onto his dick, taking it deep into his mouth.

  “Fuck, Saric!” Duran exclaimed, his knees nearly giving out. Saric moaned and bobbed his head, completely unapologetic. Right when Duran was about to tear him away, his mate pulled back.

  “Fuck me. That’s the best thing I’ve ever tasted. Coat yourself with her again and give me another taste.”

  Duran looked to Adrianna, who eagerly nodded to him. She’d never heard such need from someone’s voice before, and it was such a turn-on!

  He sank back into her and thrust a few times, closing his eyes in bliss.

  “My turn,” Saric reminded him.

  Duran nearly chuckled at his needy mate’s words, but refrained. He pulled out of Adrianna and Saric was on him immediately, taking him deep. Duran kept one hand on Adi’s hip, one hand threaded into Saric’s hair, as his mate devoured their combined arousal.

  On and on that went, Saric wanting a taste of them together, until Duran fell back atop her and surged his hips forward. It was a claiming, and Adi reveled in it.

  “Can I make you come from just this?” he asked her. Adi shook her head.

  “Usually not, although you feel amazing.”

  Duran looked to Saric, who was eager to help.

  “I’ve got her,” he reassured his mate.

  Saric’s hand slid between their bodies, fingers finding her clit and giving it a good rub. Electric shocks shot through Adi’s body, and she clenched around Duran, earning her a deep moan from him. She clutched at his shoulders, raked her nails down his back, and kissed him madly while he pounded into her. She was mindless in her need, and flew over the crest as her orgasm swept over her. She cried out, and Saric took her lips to muffle the passionate cry.

  “Holy fuck, you’re so… so…”

  Duran’s words faded as he lost his rhythm then clenched over her, spilling his seed into her body. When he collapsed onto her, both of their bodies had a sheen of sweat and their rapid breathing was loud in the cabin.

  Adi stroked a hand idly through his hair, her head turning towards Saric. He gave her a wide smile then reached to kiss her tenderly.

  “Watching you two was utterly incredible,” he told them. Duran chuckled.

  “You should have seen it from my perspective.”

  That earned him laugher from the other two.

  Duran gave Adi another kiss, then peeled himself off of her, and out of her body. He sat up on his knees and pulled Saric up for a kiss.

  “Thank you,” he whispered against his mate’s lips. “Thank you for sharing her with me—for insisting that we open ourselves up. That was…” He shook his head. “I don’t have words.”

  “You’re welcome. Anytime. Although, I might be the wrong person to thank.”

  “I know how you can thank me,” Adi told Duran saucily as she came to her knees at their sides. “Tell me you’re okay with sharing Saric with me.”

  Duran cupped the side of her face, and gave her a gentle kiss. “He’s already yours—just as he’s mine.”

  “So, you won’t mind if I…” Adi trailed off.

  “No,” Duran replied with another kiss. “Actually, I can’t wait to watch that.”

  Saric had already shed his own clothes, so everything she wanted was easily accessible. She and Saric reached for one another, their mouths coming together gently at first, and then more urgently. Saric’s hands roamed down to her ass, and pulled her solidly against his arousal. His hard shaft became trapped between their bodies, encouraging her to arch, rubbing her body against him. The sensation had him groaning, then shifting their positions so that she straddled his hips.

  “I want you so bad, baby,” he confessed against her lips.

  She shifted her hips atop him, causing his dick to ride her crease. They both moaned, and she sat up to repeat the motion. Saric splayed his legs wide, and Duran knelt between them, pressing his front to Adi’s back, while his hands came to her breasts, molding and massaging them, causing her to arch into the touch.

  “Let him fill you,” Duran encouraged at the shell of her ear. “He’s been dreaming of it since you met, I know he has.”

  “And what about you?” Adi asked.

  “He’s always known that you’re the one. I’m ashamed that it’s taken me this long to recognize it too, but now that I have, I have a burning need to see the two of you joined together.”

  His honest words warmed Adrianna. She felt a connection with Duran that was growing deeper and more precious by the moment. She turned her head and encouraged him to kiss her. The embrace wasn’t a normal kiss of passion… it felt like a promise.

  When they pulled apart, she saw tenderness and affection in his gaze. They smiled at each other, before turning as one and refocusing on the male in front of them.

  “Make him yours, ours… make the three of us one,” Duran encouraged.

  Adi raised on her knees, and felt Duran align his mate’s cock with her slick entrance. Saric’s eyes went wide, his hands gripping her hips tightened as she slowly took him inside her body. When she was fully seated, he stretched her perfectly… so perfectly that she was unable to remain still. She planted her hands on his chest, using the anchor to rock her hips forward and back, experimenting with the position. She quickly realized that she loved being on top, able to ride Saric how she wanted—to take him slowly or quickly… to build the passion and back off at will.

  Saric let her lead for several minutes before her teasing drove him wild. He planted his feet on the mattress and thrusted his hips up into her. Adi cried out as a wave went through her body. He repeated the motion, and she fell forward, knowing that now she was the one along for the ride.

  “Duran, stroke her,” Saric commanded while he pounded up into her.

  Adi rose up slightly so that Duran could snake a hand around her hip, his fingers seeking her clit. At the first touch, her body clenched around Saric’s cock. He moaned and faltered in his movements before regaining his composure.

  “Yes, just like that!” Adrianna cried to them both. She was close, the feeling so intense that she felt as if she’d fly apart. A few strokes later, she did, yelling her passion without reservation. Duran took her mouth in a kiss to help muffle her cries, but Adi was beyond caring. Let others hear her… they’d assuredly be jealous.

  Saric thrusted into her throughout her orgasm, before he lost himself, his body tightening before shooting inside her channel.

  Adi felt like jelly. She fell forward onto Saric’s chest, her head settling over his racing heart. Duran laid at their sides, and ran his hand over every inch of skin he could reach.

  “That was fucking amazing,” Saric mumbled, causing Adi to chuckle.

  “You’re telling me,” Duran agreed. “I could watch you two all day.”

  “I’m not sure how any of us are going to get anything done… ever!” Saric exclaimed. “I never want to leave this bed.”

  She didn’t disagree. With these two waiting at home, it’d be hard to make herself traipse into the jungle every day. Now she understood why Lauren was such a recluse since uniting with Bilal and Ian. She knew that these two males were going to make it very difficult to want to go too far away from the cabin.

  Duran brought her hand to his lips and kissed her fingers, his eyes shining brightly. She smiled at him, her heart so full that it was nearly bursting.

  She closed her eyes and luxuriated in the moment. The steady beat of Saric’s heart began to lull her, until he spoke.

  “Did you mean what you said?”

  Adrianna lifted her head and saw that he’d directed the question at Duran.

  “Which part?”

  “The part where you told Adi to claim me; that we were now one unit, together.”

  Adi froze as she waited for Duran’s answer. At the time, his words had excited and urged her to take what she wanted, but now she wondered if he’d said it in the heat
of the moment.

  “Yes, I meant what I said,” Duran answered, to her immense relief. “I see now that my stubbornness has made me blind to reality: Adrianna is a perfect fit for us.” His eyes went to her, and he kissed her fingers again.

  “You’ve always been Saric’s mate, but now I realize that he’s not the only one who has feelings for you. I would love the chance for you to be mine as well.”

  She leaned forward and kissed him, feeling tears of happiness prick her eyes.

  “Nothing would make me happier,” Adi told him when she pulled back. “I already am yours.” She looked at Saric. “Both of yours.”

  “Then let’s make it official,” Duran suggested, before he shifted onto his knees, and encouraged the other two to do the same. Duran took each of their hands in his own.

  “Adrianna of Earth, would you do us the grand honor of becoming our mate?”

  Adi felt her jaw drop to the floor, and belatedly realized that she’d been shocked into silence. She’d imagined Saric proposing more times than she could count, but never thought that the offer would come from Duran.

  “Are you sure?” she asked him quietly. “Once I agree, it’s official and forever, according to Arathian laws.”

  She was glad that she understood Arathian mating customs. If she said yes, that bonded them together for life—no ceremony or license required, like on Earth.

  Duran gifted her with one of his rare smiles. “I’m positive. Forever sounds just about perfect.” He turned towards Saric. “Don’t you agree?”

  Adi looked Saric’s way and nearly laughed at the expression of shock he had on his face. He looked at Duran as if he was seeing his mate for the first time—or like he’d grown two heads.

  “Agree?” Saric repeated. “I… I’m… hell yes, I agree!”

  He snapped out of the momentary frozen state, and shifted until he was pressed against their sides, a hand anchoring to each of them.

  “I want nothing more than for the three of us to be mated,” Saric told them sincerely.

  Both sets of eyes went to Adi, and she knew they were waiting for her answer. Saying no didn’t even cross her mind. She’d been in love with Saric for years, and now was quickly falling head over heels for Duran. She didn’t want a future that didn’t include them.

  “Yes, of course I’ll be your mate,” she told Duran before turning to her other male, “and yours. I’ve never wanted anything more.”

  She barely got the words out before Saric encircled her with his arms, and brought her into a crushing hug. Duran pressed against her back, and, sandwiched between her males, Adi discovered her favorite place in the universe.


  By the time the new trio calmed down from their momentous morning—and enjoyed their first round of mated-sex, which they all agreed was even better—the colony was bustling with people.

  Since most everyone had stayed up late the previous night, Rex had silenced the morning alarms and told everyone to take the day off. The search for Adi had only been the beginning: all twelve bandits had been apprehended, shackled, and were now being held in an empty cabin until their fate was decided.

  Adi was very happy to hear that they wouldn’t ever be allowed free on Aeonas again.

  “They’ll probably be taken to a prisoner colony in Arath’s system,” Saric explained as they walked.

  “Good riddance,” Duran added.

  Adi completely agreed. She never wanted to see any of those kidnapper/would-be-rapists ever again!

  As they walked through the colony, everyone stopped to tell Adi how happy they were that she was alright. The outpouring was nice, but Adi was on a mission to find Kaitie. There was something extremely important she needed to talk to her about, and she was dreading the upcoming conversation.

  They found her roommate sunning herself on the beach, enjoying the day off, and the momentary break from bad weather. Kaitie saw them approach, and slung a sarong around her hips as she got up from lying on her beach towel. She wrapped Adi in a hug, then pulled back to give her a once over.

  “I see they finally released you from their bed,” Kaitie observed before turning towards the males. “Does this mean you’re done fornicating with my bestie?” she asked. Saric scoffed.

  “Not even close,” Duran replied in all seriousness.

  His words made Adi’s chest tighten in happiness. She wanted to plaster herself to his torso, wrap her arms and legs around him, and never let go. Kaitie also seemed pleased with his reply.

  “Good. You’re one step closer to being worthy of her.”

  Unwavering loyalty: it was one of the things Adi loved about her roommate.

  “I don’t believe I’ll ever be truly worthy of Adrianna. But I’m going to do my damnedest to try,” Duran retorted.


  “You’d better. Adi’s the best,” Kaitie declared.

  “Do you mind if we have a moment alone?” Adrianna asked the males, before Duran and Kaitie got into another one of their weird pissing contests.

  “Of course not,” Saric answered.

  Both males bent to kiss her forehead before they moved away to give the women privacy. Kaitie threaded her arm through Adi’s, and led her down the beach to talk. Adi followed at the side of her closest friend, but wasn’t sure how to tell Kaitie what she’d decided. Finally, she opted for frankness.

  “I’m going to stay on Aeonas.”

  “I know,” Kaitie answered, not breaking stride. Adi looked at her with an expression of shock.

  “You do?”

  Kaitie rolled her eyes. “Of course I do. I’m not blind! When the Heartbreaking Duo brought you back to camp last night, you looked happy—as in, genuine smiles and everything. I haven’t seen you like that since before Saric—”

  “I know what he did,” Adi interrupted her. She felt defensive of her male. The Heartbreaking Duo? “He had good reasons for turning me down that night.”

  One of Kaitie’s eyebrows rose to epic heights in incredulity.

  “I sure as hell hope he had good reasons! But it looks like you’ve worked things out between you three?”

  “We have.” That was putting it mildly.

  “Hence me not being surprised that you’re staying.”

  “There’s more. They asked me to be their mate, and I agreed.” The look of surprise on Kaitie’s face was almost comical.

  “Are you shitting me?! I leave you alone with them for one night, and you get married!”

  Adi wasn’t given a chance to reply as she was pulled into a tight hug.

  “You know that I’m happy for you, right?” Kaitie told her as she pulled back. “And that I’ll kick their asses if they’re not good to you.”

  Adi laughed, knowing full-well that Kaitie wasn’t exaggerating.

  “I know. That’s because you’re the best.”

  “No, you are.” Kaitie insisted. “But I’m a close second.”

  Both women laughed as Kaitie linked their arms together again, and began walking back the way they’d come. She let out a heavy sigh.

  “I guess that means I’ll be moving to Arath by myself.”

  Even the thought of her leaving made Adi sad, but there was no use asking Kaitie to stay. The entire universe was at their fingertips, and she’d been stuck on this little colony with only the same people to interact with. It’d been slowly eating at Kaitie, and Adi knew that she’d been unhappy for a while. Leaving was her roommate’s only option, and Adi didn’t begrudge her choice one bit… that didn’t mean she wasn’t going to worry about her constantly.

  Traveling to a distant world, alone! She shuddered at the thought.

  “Are you going to be okay?” Adi asked her best friend. Kaitie waved her off.

  “I’ll be fine. My sponsor seems like a cool dude, if not a little tightly-wound, and they’ve set me up in this sweet little apartment in Talavera. If anything, I’m not sure the Arathians are ready for me.”

  Kaitie winked, and Adi laughed.
r />   “I don’t need to ask if you’ll be alright here,” Kaitie commented as her eyes skirted to Saric and Duran, who stood out of earshot, but close by just down the beach.

  Adi followed her line of sight and saw her two males standing side by side in the sunlight. They looked like two Greek Gods of old.

  “I have everything I’ve ever wanted,” Adi declared.

  “Then I couldn’t be happier for you!” Kaitie exclaimed. “Just remember me when you start popping out little half-Arathian-half-human babies, ‘Kaitie’ is an awesome name for a girl, and I don’t mind you stealing it.”

  Adi laughed heartily. “I’m not sure we’re going to have kids at all, but if we do, how about you can be ‘Auntie Kaitie’ instead?”

  “I guess,” Kaitie sighed, “as long as when the Arathians open regular ship routes, you come visit me. I can’t wait to get your rugrats hopped up on sugar, then hand them back for the gross parts, like diaper changes, crying, and general whining.”

  “What about when they’re sassy?” Adi asked. Kaitie waved her off.

  “Sassiness I can handle! Actually, I’ll be encouraging that trait. Helping them to hone the craft, if you will.”

  “You’re really convincing me to come visit you,” Adi mock-grumbled.

  “I know, right?” Kaitie exclaimed with a chuckle. They’d arrived back at the males’ sides.

  “Since you’re laughing, I’m assuming your conversation went well?” Saric asked.

  Adi nodded then went to her males. Saric held out his arms for her, and she was ensconced in them, tucked securely against his body. Kaitie eyed the three of them with a small smile on her face. Under her tough exterior, Adi knew that she was truly happy for them.

  “I can’t believe I’m actually going to leave you here on this planet,” she told Adi with a shake of her head.

  “I’m going to be fine,” Adi insisted. “I have my mates, and we’re hardly alone.”