Tropical Temptation Read online

Page 9

  She didn’t fight them as they guided her to their cabin, sat her down to brush out her long hair, then tucked her into their bed. Thankfully it was large enough for all three of them. Saric snuggled against her back, while Duran laid on his side facing them both.

  Unfortunately, she didn’t have a chance to bask in the intimate moment; the events of the day and night took their toll on her, and she quickly fell asleep.


  Adrianna woke slowly, feeling as though she’d been asleep all day. The sun shone brightly, but she hadn’t heard the morning chime to begin work. She stretched her body and felt uncomfortable twinges all over. Her wrists burned, her legs and shoulders ached…

  She came awake suddenly as memories bombarded her, making her jolt in the bed. A hand settled on her shoulder and caressed down her side.

  “It’s okay, you’re safe,” a male cooed.

  She turned to look over her shoulder, and saw Saric lying behind her. Seeing his face, she felt a rush of relief and sagged back onto the mattress.

  “For a moment, I forgot where I was,” she told him.

  He stroked up and down her back in a soothing caress.

  “You don’t have to worry. We’re not going to let anything bad happen to you.”

  We’re?… “Where’s Duran?”

  “He thought you’d be hungry, so he left to go scrounge up some breakfast.”

  At the mention of food, her stomach took notice. She hadn’t eaten since an early lunch the previous day, and she was famished.

  But when Duran entered their cabin in low-slung shorts and a t-shirt, she considered eating something other than the bread, cheese, and fruit he carried.

  The corner of his mouth lifted into a smile when he saw the two of them awake on the bed.

  “Morning,” he greeted.

  “Morning,” Adi answered.

  She suddenly felt nervous. The three of them had shared a wonderful moment in the jungle, but would things now change? She felt uneasy being in bed… wearing only thin layers of clothes… with Duran’s mate.

  “I should help you,” she offered as she sprang up from the bed. Saric couldn’t catch her in time. She moved to Duran’s side, and reached for a nearby knife to cut up the bread and cheese. His fingers wrapped around her wrist in a gentle imprisonment. She looked up at him.

  “Go back to bed,” Duran told her gently, as his thumb caressed her wrist. “Let me bring you breakfast.”

  “You don’t have to do that,” she insisted with a shake of her head. “I’m happy to help.”

  “I’m fully aware of how industrious you are, but I want you to rest. Go lie down with Saric.”

  When she hesitated, he bent his head down to her slowly, giving her plenty of time to step back. She didn’t, and his lips met hers in a soft kiss.

  “Go back to bed,” he encouraged her. “I’ll bring you both food once it’s ready.”

  He turned her and gave her a gentle nudge in the direction of the large bed. She went forward, less uneasy now that he’d basically given her permission to be horizontal next to Saric.

  She crawled onto the mattress but didn’t lay down, instead deciding to sit cross-legged, facing Duran. Saric spun around to lay with his head on her lap. He looked so adorable all messed from sleep, and she couldn’t help but smile at him as she ran her hand through his hair in an attempt to tame the wild strands.

  “It’s not often Duran gets out of bed before me,” Saric noted.

  Duran made a noise from his place at their small kitchenette, and Adi wasn’t sure if it was a chuckle or a snort.

  “That’s an understatement,” Duran murmured.

  Adi smiled, and turned to the male in her lap. “Do you always wake at the crack of dawn?”

  “Usually. Today was a rare exception.”

  “You were still awake before me,” Duran commented with his back still to them as he worked.

  “True,” Saric agreed, shrugging his shoulders.

  “Did you just lay there staring at the ceiling?” Adi asked. He chuckled.

  “Not exactly. It’s not everyday I get to wake up with two wonderful people in my bed. I was enjoying the first of, what I hope will be, many happy mornings.”

  Adi didn’t reply. She wasn’t sure what to say to that. He sounded like he wanted a repeat of last night… she did too, but there was a third person she wasn’t so sure of. She looked up at Duran, and her thoughts derailed as she watched him. He really was an impressive male.

  Under his shirt she could clearly see his defined muscles, which bunched and shifted as he wielded the knife. His back tapered to a nice waist, then down to twin globes of his ass. Below that was a solid pair of legs that seemed to go on and on. He had big feet, and other big features that she’d seen the previous night. She wanted to see him again—naked—this time in the sunlight shining through the windows so that she could explore him properly.

  Saric shifted to sit behind her, and moved her hair to one side, exposing her neck. He kissed the exposed skin, and trailed his lips up to her ear. Goosebumps broke out over her body, and she tilted her head to the side to give him better access.

  “He’s impressive isn’t he?” Saric whispered against the shell of her ear. Adi shivered.

  “Yes, he is.” There was no point in denying it. “You both are.”

  Fingers lightly trailed up her bare arm and back down. Her eyelids drooped, and she swayed back to lean against him, giving in to the touch. His fingers glided inside the wide arm of the t-shirt she wore, and teased the swells of her breasts. They began to ache, and she arched in encouragement. She moaned when the pad of a finger skimmed over her beaded nipple, the sound causing Duran to stiffen from his place at the counter.

  “Enough you two,” he reprimanded over his shoulder. “Adrianna needs to eat.”

  Saric acquiesced and removed his hand from inside her shirt, but didn’t move away from her, his warm body still pressed against her back. Duran finished cutting the food and brought the platter over to the bed, sitting at their side.

  Saric kissed her neck again, and Duran’s eyes snapped to his mate.

  “Saric, enough,” he admonished. “She needs to eat something before you seduce her again.”

  “… Before I seduce her?” Saric repeated, his lips moving against her skin. “I was thinking, if she was up for it, that we might all get to have our wicked ways with each other this morning.”

  Adi shivered, and Duran’s eyes trekked up and down her body in a slow perusal.

  “As tempting as that is… and trust me, I’m tempted… she still needs to eat to regain her strength.”

  Without waiting for Saric to argue further, Duran held out a piece of fruit to Adi’s mouth. She took the offering, lingering for a second to suck sweet juice from his fingers. Duran’s pupils dilated, and he let out a low growl.

  “Behave,” he admonished her in a low voice. The sound did nothing to make her want to behave. A slow smile curved her lips. She wanted to hear him make that sound again. She wanted to feel it rumble against her naked chest as she took him into her body. Her core clenched, empty and wanting to be filled.

  “Fucking hell,” Saric cursed from behind her. “Hurry up and feed her, Duran. I’m not sure how long I can wait with her smelling like that.”

  She was afraid to ask what he meant, but she could assume he was talking about her arousal. Can they smell me? she wondered. That thought was answered as Duran inhaled deeply, and let out another low growl. Oh hell yeah they could smell her. She glanced down and saw an impressive erection tenting Duran’s loose-fitting shorts.

  “Oh no you don’t,” Duran scolded as he put another bite into her mouth, this time holding it at the very tips of the food, and releasing it immediately so that she couldn’t get her lips near his fingers again. She felt bereft, and gave him a little glare. His eyes twinkled with mischief… he knew exactly what he was doing.

  She decided to behave herself; Duran was determined for her to eat, and s
he figured that the sooner that mundane activity was finished, the sooner the real fun could begin. She sat still, took deep breaths to calm her libido, and ate the next bite he put in front of her.

  As she chewed, he repeated the gesture to Saric before feeding himself a bite.

  On and on it went like that: her getting the first bite, then Saric, then himself. She began to wonder if it was an Arathian custom that she wasn’t aware of. It felt sort of ritualistic… and intimate.

  After the food was gone and he set the plate aside, Duran asked her, “Do you need any more?”

  She barely had an opportunity to shake her head no, before he pounced on her, locking their lips together. One hand on the back of her neck, the other on her hip, he pulled her towards him, her weight nothing compared to his strength. He tumbled backward with her onto the bed, and she suddenly found herself lying atop him, trying to keep up with his sudden burst of passion.

  “Someone’s eager this morning,” Saric chuckled from their side.

  Adi barely heard him—her head was swimming from Duran’s kiss. But she felt an extra hand slide up her spine, causing her to pull back, bracing her hands on Duran’s chest, her legs falling open so that she could straddle him.

  Was she being inappropriate? Was it okay that she was lying on Saric’s mate when neither of them were touching him? Would he be mad? Disappointed? Being with two people sure brought up a lot of questions.

  Saric saw her uncertainty, and reached out to run his fingers through her hair.

  “We know that this is strange for you,” he told her softly. “It’s not normal for Earthers to be in a relationship with more than one person; but remember, this is a little strange for us too. Duran and I have never shared anyone before. There’s never been anyone we wanted, until you.” He bent and gave her a reassuring kiss. “We’ll figure this out together, okay?”

  She nodded.

  He turned to Duran, and she did too. He’d placed his hands on her waist, and was gently stroking the skin above her pajama pants. Saric moved to her back, also straddling Duran, and began kissing up her neck again.

  “One of the most important things we have to do is communicate,” Saric told her between kisses. She nodded along with Duran. “If one of us does something someone else doesn’t like, we have to tell them. No keeping things bottled up inside.”

  Adi and Duran both nodded.

  “We have to tell each other our concerns,” (kiss), “our wants,” (another kiss), “our desires…” He gently sucked on the lobe of her ear, sending a shiver down Adi’s spine. “What is it you want?” he asked.

  Adi’s reply was immediate. “I want both of you—right now.”


  “What do you want us to do?” Saric asked, his hands running up her back, then down to her ass.

  Duran’s grip had gotten stronger. He ran his hands up to her ribcage and back down. Her breasts ached to have him caress them, but he stayed away.

  “I want you to make love to me.”

  She answered Saric’s question, but looked right into Duran’s eyes as she said it. His nostrils flared, and eyes narrowed onto her. She felt like prey… in the best possible way.

  “Which one of us?” Saric asked. She shook her head, not able to answer. She wanted both of them.

  “You choose,” she told him.

  “Hmmm… that’s difficult,” Saric observed as he pulled away.

  She felt his hips shift, and Duran’s mouth fell open on a groan. She was straddling his stomach, which meant that Saric was seated right above his groin.

  “You want her, baby? Your first female?” Saric asked his mate. “You want to sink this cock into her tight sheath?”

  Duran nodded once, and what Saric had said sank into Adi’s rattled mind.

  “I’ll be your very first?” she asked Duran. He may have blushed slightly.

  “My first female,” he corrected. “I’ve never wanted one before you.”

  She melted, emotionally and physically. She leaned down and kissed Duran, stroking his tongue with hers, drawing it into her mouth and sucking on it.

  What was it about being his first that was such a turn on? She wanted to be his first, his only female.

  Her desperation built the longer they kissed. She shifted her hips on him, needing the relief of friction between her legs to help ease the ache. But she’d been mistaken—moving only made it worse.

  “Take me,” she told him against his lips. “Make love to me.”

  Suddenly, he rolled them both, placing himself over her, her back on the mattress. Absently she noticed that Saric had moved during their make-out session, and was now lying at their side.

  Duran moved his head down her body, kissing a trail, and Saric’s lips took his place, kissing her passionately. Adi wasn’t sure where to focus her attention—on the man lifting her shirt, or the one sucking on her lower lip.

  She cried out as Duran took one of her breasts into his mouth and suckled on her puckered nipple. Saric pulled back and looked at his mate. He put a palm on the back of Duran’s head to encourage him.

  “That’s right, love. Keep doing that. She loves it.”

  Duran’s hand came to her other breast, massaging the globe. Adi squirmed, but couldn’t get far since Duran’s weight held her to the mattress. Saric helped by whisking the shirt over her head.

  When he had her nipples hardened into tight buds, Duran kissed and licked down her body. Her pants were the next to go as he tore them from her. She was bare beneath, and he let out a slow exhale that she felt against her curls.

  “Taste her,” Saric encouraged him. Duran looked up at his mate, and Saric dove in for a brief, deep kiss. “I bet she tastes amazing,” he whispered when they pulled apart.

  Adi didn’t have time to be shy. Duran wedged his shoulders under her thighs and dove onto her. She cried out, grabbing his hair for purchase as he licked up her seam. He growled, licking all of her secret flesh, learning her every nook and cranny. When he touched her bud, Adi cried out, pulling on his hair.

  “There’s the spot,” Saric coached from their side. “Keep stroking her there.”

  Duran listened to his mate, and kept an assault on her clit. Stroking, flicking, and sucking on her little nub.

  “Is it okay to add a finger?” Duran asked.

  Both sets of eyes went to her, and she nearly yelled her affirmative reply.

  She felt his finger at her core, gently probing her entrance before he slid the tip inside. It wasn’t enough. She was far too gone for just a slim digit.

  “I need you,” she cried, pulling on Duran’s hair in an attempt to get him back atop her.

  “Need me to what?” the insufferable male asked.

  “Take me!”

  He slid his finger back inside her sheath, and she thrashed her head on the pillow.

  “Not like that,” she insisted. “I need your cock, Duran. Please give it to me!”

  “I can’t say no to that,” he growled as he sat up and peeled his shirt off. The shorts quickly followed, and then he was blanketing her, keeping himself propped up on his elbows and knees. She spread her legs wide, and his hips settled over her, his hard shaft cradled against her body. He arched his hips, causing her to cry out and lock her legs around him in encouragement.

  Then his entire body froze.

  She looked into his face to find that he’d suddenly shut down.

  “What’s the matter?” she asked, afraid that she’d done something wrong.

  “We haven’t taken precautions… I don’t want any chance of getting you pregnant.”

  She framed his face with her hands so that she’d have his complete focus.

  “There’s no chance. I have the Arathian birth control implant, and just had my yearly check up with Doctor Maggie last month. There’s no need to worry.”

  His large exhale was more like a sigh of relief. She smiled at him, and leaned up to nibble his jaw.

  “Now, there’s nothing stopping you f
rom giving me what I want.” She arched her hips up into him to punctuate her point.

  “Is this what you want?” he asked as he ground his erection against her mound.

  “You know it is,” she moaned.

  He pulled back slightly, and Saric lent a hand, notching his tip perfectly with her core. Duran pumped once, and the first couple of inches sank into her sheath. Duran’s head fell forward onto her shoulder, and he groaned.

  “Fuck me, I had no idea you’d feel like this,” he confessed.

  “Fucking perfect, is she?” Saric asked from his side, his wide hand stroking up and down his mate’s body.

  “Yes,” Duran answered, before he tunneled deeper into her.

  Adrianna moaned and rocked her hips up, eager for more: more of that amazing sensation, more of this male. Soon, he was buried deep.

  “Keep still for a moment while she gets used to you,” Saric instructed. He ran his palm up and down Duran’s back. “You’re large, even for an Arathian.”

  “I’m fine,” Adi insisted. It wasn’t completely true—Duran’s shaft was thick, but the slight burning sensation was going away by the second.

  “I don’t want to take any chances,” Duran insisted, looking into her eyes.

  “The sight of you inside her… I can’t imagine anything hotter.” Saric punctuated his words by kissing each of them.

  They took turns being plundered by Saric’s mouth, until (finally) Duran began to move. He shifted his hips as Saric sucked on his tongue, and Adi encouraged him by pulling him forward with her heels on his ass.

  “I think she’s ready for you,” Saric told him when they pulled apart. “Come on, baby. Show her all that strength you have to give.”

  Duran pulled back, nearly out of her, then thrust back in. Adi gasped at the invasion and moaned for him to do it again. He did: again and again he pistoned his hips, causing her to exclaim each time he bottomed out.

  Suddenly he changed the angle, sitting up on his knees and gripping her hips. He watched himself slowly enter and pull out, clearly enjoying the show. On the next withdraw, the head of his cock sprang free of her sheath. Before he could align himself with her again, Saric shifted, his eyes locked onto his mate’s glistening length.